SAPIC+ is a security protocol verification platform, enabling the use of multiple verification tools as possible backends. It currently supports exports to ProVerif, Tamarin and DeepSec. It is directly integrated within Tamarin, which can directly be used to verify the input file, or allows through a command line option to produce a valid input file for either ProVerif or DeepSec.

About / Core team:

Vincent Cheval, Charlie Jacomme Steve Kremer, Robert Künnemann.
Current maintainers: Charlie Jacomme, Robert Künnemann.


The Tamarin user manual is available here.
The specific SAPIC+ instructions corresponds to the description of the protocol specification using processes. Other relevants parts of the manual include the property specification part, where SAPIC+ uses the same lemma specification as Tamarin (which are in turn automatically translated to Proverif queries).


Installation instructions for Tamarin (and this SAPIC+) are in the manual. See the ProVerif and DeepSec website for their corresponding installation instructions. Alternatively, we also provide a Docker, but which may not contain the latest fixes and features.

Research Papers

Papers on SAPIC+ and its theory

Papers using SAPIC+